Exposition of Witchcraft Trials in Šumperk

01.04.2010 | 00:00
Exposition of Witchcraft Trials in Šumperk

One of the most signifi cant sites of the town is the European House of Meeting, the so-called Geschader House, which during the period of the notorious witchcraft trials witnessed tales and personal tragedies of Šumperk residents.

The cellar premises of this listed building house the exposition – Witchcraft Trials. The tour lasts about 40 minutes and after buying a ticket visitors will receive the GuidePort guiding system, from which they will learn interesting information about the witchcraft trials of the second half of the 17th century as well as the actual exposition. The cellar was adapted in a way allowing visitors to move about there on their own and walk from one area to another without being accompanied by a guide.
More information at www.sumperk.cz

Exposition of Witchcraft Trials in Šumperk Exposition of Witchcraft Trials in Šumperk

European House of Meeting - Geschader House
Kladská 1, 787 01 Šumperk
tel.: +420 583 213 721, 583 388 610
e-mail: miroslav.huf@musumperk.cz

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