Romantic Autumn in Parkhotel Tosch

30.09.2008 | 12:49
Romantic Autumn in Parkhotel Tosch

Romantic weekend

Romantic weekend
(for each 2 nights in a week)
2 nights in a stylish double room with breakfast, 1x possibility of having breakfast in the room, after arrival fruits in the room, 1x romantic dinner in candlelight, 1 x bottle of wine, 1x sauna, entrance to the swimming pool and fitness, restaurant sale 25 %.
PRIZE: 4.950,- CZK for 2 persons

Romantic prolonged weekend
(for each 3 nights in a week)
3 nights in a stylish double room with breakfast, 1x possibility of having breakfast in the room, after arrival fruits in the room, 1x romantic dinner in candlelight, 1 x bottle of wine, 1x sauna, entrance to the swimming pool and fitness, restaurant sale 25 %.
PRIZE: 5.850,- CZK for 2 persons

Christmas and New Year‘s Eve Stays
Christmas in the Šumava Mountains
(for each 3 nights in the period December 23 - December 28)
3 nights in a stylish double room with breakfast, possibility of having breakfast in the room, 3x dinner, entrance to the swimming pool and fitness, children under 5 without their own bed and food for free, children 5 - 12 years 50 % sale. PRIZE: 6.600,- CZK for 2 persons

New Year‘s Eve 2008 Under Kašperk
from December 31, 2008-January 4, 2009
4 nights in a stylish double room with half-board, New Year‘s Eve Menu, fireworks, rich tombola, 2x music, sauna, swimming pool, supervised car park. Children under 5 without their own bed and food for free, children 5 - 12 years 50 % sale. PRIZE: 9.900,-Kč for 2 persons

Romantic Autumn in Parkhotel Tosch

Romantic Autumn in Parkhotel Tosch

Parkhotel Tosch
Kašperské Hory 1
341 92 Kašperské Hory
Tel.: +420 376 582 592

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