Strolls in Early Spring Prague

09.03.2008 | 21:00
Strolls in Early Spring Prague


Maisel Synagogue Sightseeing (Sunday, March 2)
History of the Jewish population in Bohemia and Moravia from their arrival until Maria Theresia´s reign. The event starts at 2 pm in front of the Maisel Synagogue. Fee 50 K + entrance fee to the synagogue (Mgr. Zuzana Tlášková).

National Theatre (Saturday, March 8)
Complete sightseeing. The event starts every half hour from 8.30 am to 11 am in front of the entrance. Reserved groups will have preference (group reservation minimum 15 persons).
WARNING – the maximum number of participants in a group is 50 persons. Please respect this regulation, which is demanded by the National Theatre Administration. Entrance fee 50 K (PIS guides).

Cathedral of St. Vitus, Wenceslas and Adalbert (Sunday, March 16)
The last resting place of patrons, monarchs and other significant personalities. The event starts at 1:30 pm in front of the main, western entrance to the cathedral. Fee 50 K + entrance fee to the cathedral which is temporarily free of charge but that can be changed (Mgr. Jaroslava Náprstková, PhDr. Eva Havlovcová).

Easter Walk – Kinský Gardens, sightseeing of Musaion (Sunday, March 23)
The event starts at 2 pm in front of the entrance to the gardens from Kinský Square (Smíchov). Fee 50 K + entrance fee to the expositions (PhDr. Jiina Chrastilová)

Crossing of the Vítkov Hill
(Saturday, March 29)
The event starts at 2 pm in front of Hotel Vítkov. Fee 50 K
(Božena Švejnohová).

The walks take place when minimum 10 and maximum 80 participants meet in one group (unless otherwise indicated). First comers are prioritised.
You can order guides for school groups, travel agency groups etc.

PIS Information Centres

Old Town Hall
Staroměstské náměstí 1, 110 00 Praha 1
Main Railway Station
Wilsonova 8, 120 06 Praha 2
Lesser Town Bridge Tower
110 00 Praha 1-Malá Strana
Rytířská Street 31
110 00 Praha 1

PIS administered monuments accessible in March

Old Town Hall - Daily: Mo 11 am – 6 pm; Tue – Sun 9 am – 6 pm
Old Town Bridge Tower - Daily 10 am – 6 pm, film “Charles Bridge – a Ray through Centuries”
Lesser Town Bridge Tower - From March 14 daily 10 am – 6 pm “On the bridge about the bridge”
Powder Tower - Form March 154 daily 10 am – 6 pm “The King´s Court”
Labyrinth on the Petřín Hill - From March 14 daily 10 am - 5 pm
Petřín View Tower - From March 14 daily 10 am - 5 pm “Jára Cimrman – a genius that didn´t become famous”


Prague Information Centre

Headquarters: Betlémské nám. 2, 116 98 Praha 1
General Information: Mo–Fri 8 am–7 pm
Tel.: 12 444; +420 221 714 444

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