Medieval feasts and jamborees

31.03.2008 | 22:11
Medieval feasts and jamborees

Medieval feasts and jamborees In the pub „At the Seven Swabians“, only several steps from the Nerudova street below the Prague Castle, it looks like the time has stopped in 1493 A.D. – a year after discovery of America. You will find here the first true medieval pub in Prague, with food and drinks made according to the recepies from the 15th and 16th centruries. You can have also a firm or private seance prepared here, which will be an unforgetable experience for you, as well as for your guests.


Medieval feasts and jamborees

For you who would like to enjoy Middle Ages fully, is prepared a true seven-cocroache jamboree. Each Friday after half past seven in the evening you can experience a banquet with a dozen of carefully selected courses, beer, wine and soft drinks as much as you wish. The medieval programme is a must. You will see attractive medieval and wild gypsy dancer, and will admire a fire-eater. For only 980,- CZK (children 10 – 15 years old half of the prize) you will spend three unforgetable hours in the Middle Ages with everything what belong to it. Reservation necessary!
A real Czech hog-killing with all favourite delicacies, like greaves, light and dark collared pork, sausage meat with sauerkraut, boiled pork with horse-radish, livers, Wiener Schnitzels, goulash and other goodies you can enjoy each Wednesday between 6 pm and 10 pm. For only 390,- CZK per a person you can experience a real feast, and our accordionist will play your favourite melodies.

Medieval feasts and jamborees

Medieval feasts and jamborees

Medieval feasts and jamborees

Medieval feasts and jamborees


Medieval pub U sedmi Švábů
Jánský vršek 14 (at the corner of Nerudova street 31)
Praha 1-Malá Strana
Tel.: +420 257 531 455


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