Sightseeings in Silver Town of Kutná Hora

31.03.2008 | 23:05
Sightseeings in Silver Town of Kutná Hora

The day when kings stayed in the town of Kutná Hora are burried past in the history. The town used to be a royal seat and the centre of the manufacture of the „Prague groshen“, which was one of the most stable currencies in Europe. Please accept our invitation to the royal town of Kutná Hora and follow us walking through narrow streets, old houses and churches, and don’t forget to visit rare and precious historical monuments.

Our tips are as follows:

Vlašský dvůr (The Italian Court)
The former royal mint, which served as a temporary seat of Czech kings. A part of a visit is Royal Chapel and an audience hall. You can also watch mintage of „Prague groshen“.


Vlašský dvůr
Havlíčkovo náměstí 552
284 24 Kutná Hora
Tel./Fax: +420 327 512 873


Sightseeings in Silver Town of Kutná Hora

Kostel sv. Jana Nepomuckého (The Church of St. John of Nepomuk)
The late Baroque building was designed by František Maxmilián Kaňka and is the only sacral Baroque building with marvellous ceiling painting showing the legend of St. John of Nepomuk.
In May and June you can see a unique phenomenon here: a red light. These months the sunrays are coming through the coloured glass in the window, and shine brightly on the heart in the picture of St. John of Nepomuk.

Sightseeings in Silver Town of Kutná Hora

Kaple Božího těla (Chapel of Corpus Christi)
This unfinished gothic building from 14th – 15th century should have served as a charnel-house and is one of a few fully conserved objects of the Gothic period. It also provides a unique view to the panorama of the town from the terrace.

Sightseeings in Silver Town of Kutná Hora

Sightseeings in Silver Town of Kutná Hora

Information Centre
Palackého náměstí 377
284 01 Kutná Hora
Tel./Fax: +420 327 512 378


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