The Silver History of Kutná Hora

02.05.2009 | 16:49
The Silver History of Kutná Hora

Did you know that it has been exactly 600 years since the issue of the Decree of Kutná Hora? So why not take a trip to this former royal town and visit, among other things, the authentic premises, where this signi? cant historical event took place in 1409.

The Corpus Christi Chapel – is an unfi nished Gothic structure from the turn of the 14th century, which should have served as a charnel-house. Today, the terrace of this rare example of High Gothic architecture off ers a breathtaking view of the town.

The Silver History of Kutná Hora  The Silver History of Kutná Hora

The Church of St. John of Nepomuk – this Late Baroque structure designed by F. M. Kaňka houses a bald ceiling painting depicting the legend of St. John of Nepomuk. The church is open to tourists from April to October 31.

The Silver History of Kutná Hora  The Silver History of Kutná Hora

The Italian Court – the former royal mint, which temporarily also served as the seat of Czech kings, witnessed several important historical events. Today, you can take a guided tour around it and observe the minting of the Prague Groschen.

The Silver History of Kutná Hora  The Silver History of Kutná Hora


The Silver History of Kutná Hora

Kutná Hora – Italian Court Guide Services
Havlíčkovo náměstí 552
284 01 Kutná Hora
Tel./Fax: +420 327 512 873




The Silver History of Kutná Hora

Information Centre
Palackého náměstí 377
284 01 Kutná Hora
Tel./Fax: +420 327 512 378

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