Crown Jewels of Karlštejn

01.06.2009 | 14:40
Crown Jewels of Karlštejn

From May you can see copies of two important crown jewels within the Castle Tour Route I. The . rst one is the Crown of St. Wenceslas (on display for almost 10 years), and now you will also be able to admire the Imperial Crown, produced in the workshop of the jeweller J. Urban.

Crown Jewels of Karlštejn The Crown of Saint Wenceslas – was made on the orders of Charles IV (1346) for his coronation as Czech king (1347). It was to be permanently kept in the St. Vitus Cathedral and rest on the skull of Saint Wenceslas. But it was not to be. In the uncertain Hussite era (1419) the crown was brought to Karlštejn, in 1421 Sigismund of Luxemburg had it transferred to Visegrád in Hungary and later to Nuremberg. It returned to Bohemia for his coronation (1436). Then (until 1619) the crown was kept at Karlštejn and later moved, this time to Vienna. From there it was brought to Prague only for coronations of Czech kings. It fi nally came back to Bohemia in 1867 and was stored in the St. Vitus Cathedral. During the Nazi occupation it had to be walled up in the cellar of the Old Royal Palace of Prague Castle. The Crown of Saint Wenceslas adorned the heads of 22 Czech kings - the fi rst one being Charles IV (1347) and the last, Ferdinand V. (1836).

Crown Jewels of Karlštejn Crown Jewels of Karlštejn Crown Jewels of Karlštejn

The Imperial Crown of the Holy Roman Empire – probably made under Conrad II before his coronation in 1027, however some historians attribute it to Otto the Great (crowned in 962). Charles IV gained the crown as well as the Imperial Regalia around 1350 and was crowned Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire on April 5, 1355. It was at this point that Karlštejn came into the picture because the crown was kept there from 1358 to 1421, when it was taken away by the aforementioned Sigismund of Luxemburg, never again to return to Karlštejn. The last emperor legally crowned with this Imperial Crown was Francis II Holy Roman Emperor (1792). Today, it can be seen in the Schatzkammer Imperial Treasury in Vienna.

Castle Tour Route II
This route off ers a view of the historically most valuable interiors of the castle in the Marian and Great Towers. These include the Church of Our Lady, Chapel of Saint Catherine, mural decorations of staircases of the Great Tower and the Holy Cross Chapel. Since 2008 the tour has been extended with the "viewing" third floor of the Great Tower. This route is open only from June to the end of October, except for Mondays and after booking in advance. The tour for no more than 15 people starts at maximum twice an hour. Tickets can also be purchased on-line at:

Tour booking:
Booking Office - NPÚ, Sabinova 5, 130 00 Prague 3, Tel. 274 008 154 - 157, Fax. 274 008 152, E-mail: rezervace@

June - Month of Children
• June tours of the Holy Cross Chapel for schools
• Tue- Fri, for schools booked in advance, tours start at 9 and 9.30 a.m., price CZK 100 per pupil
• Evening tours for schools on certain days, tours start from 6 p.m.
Tour booking for schools: Tel.: 311 681 617, 311 681 695; E-mail: chvalinova@;

Michal Hrubý

Crown Jewels of KarlštejnStátní hrad Karlštej
267 18 Karlštejn 172
Tel.: +420 311 681 617 (695)


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