News in Teplice Spa

30.09.2008 | 12:36
News in Teplice Spa

News in Teplice SpaSummer is over and shoolchildren are back in their desks. But also in the autumn you need several days of the rest and spend some time in a nice place. Perhaps you are looking for the right place where to go. Here are some tips from us.

We have a great tip for you: do something for your health and enjoy any of our stays! And what is new? From July there is Ayurvedic massage available with a certificated masseur from Sri Lanka. It is offered each last weekend in a month. Also gift souvenirs with the motives of Ludwig van Beethoven who is because of his numerous stays here closely connected with Teplice Spa. Those with severe pains in the neck can choose a packet with healing services, available since September 10.

The famous face of Teplice has become a popular actress Tereza Kostková. Her hit has become Thai Massage – during this exotic massage you can enjoy healing energy from the hands of Mrs. Soukupová – you shouldn‘t miss this unique opportunity! Enjoy Indian Summer and colourful autumn which can paint in Teplice parks really unique atmosphere!

News in Teplice Spa
News in Teplice Spa

Spa Teplice v Čechách a.s.

Mlýnská 253, 415 38 Teplice
Tel.: +420 417 977 111


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