Christmas Atmosphere in Most

01.11.2009 | 22:28
Christmas Atmosphere in Most

Christmas Atmosphere in MostSwitching on the Christmas Tree Lights, Advent Concert, Christmas Markets, Czech Christmas Mass by J. J. Ryba

Nov. 29, Switching on the Christmas Tree Lights
Switching on the lights on the Christmas tree on First Square in Most. An entertaining cultural programme aimed at everyone..

Dec. 4, Switching on the Christmas Tree Lights
The handing over of Saint Barbara’s light, this time in front of the Registry Office of the Council in Jaroslav Seifert Street.

Dec. 12, Advent Concert
An Advent concert performed by soloists of the National Theatre and State Opera in the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary.

Christmas Atmosphere in MostDec. 14, Opening of the Christmas Markets
The festive opening of markets accompanied by music will take place on First Square.
Little children can look forward to a nice fairy-tale.

Dec. 18, Czech Christmas Mass by J. J. Ryba
Presented by the Most Municipal Theatre and Petr Macek’s Festival Orchestra.

Dec. 18, Czech Christmas Mass by J. J. Ryba
The Czech Christmas Mass, a classical piece by J. J. Ryba, will also be performed in the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin

Text on view from Tourist magazine


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