The Slopes of the Ore Mountains

29.12.2007 | 14:07
The Slopes of the Ore Mountains

In the Ústí region, a pleasant surprise awaits all visitors who believe that this part of the country does not offer any possibilities to enjoy an active winter holiday. The truth is quite the opposite – in this region you can enjoy your spare time in every season of the year, and in the coming months especially winter sport lovers can reckon with a lot of fun!

Skiers usually head towards the Ore Mountains (Krušné hory), where there are several popular resorts around Klínovec, the highest peak in the Ore Mountains. Here you can find a number of alpine ski slopes of different difficulty, maintained cross-country tracks, which together with the tracks in neighbouring Germany compose a unique complex suitable both for leisure tourists and trained sportsmen. In the Klinovec resort you can find seven ski lifts, one of them is used by the ski school and another one is reserved for less skilled skiers. In total, you can use 5 500 metres of alpine ski slopes of different steepness. In the north, on the border with the Federal Republic of Germany, lies a small village called Vejprty, where cross country skis can be used besides alpine skis. In the village Hora Sv. Kateřiny (St. Catharina Mountain) a natural sleigh ride with a lift is opened. And in Český Jiřetín, there are three slopes and ski lifts there.

With the aim to provide visitors with optimal services six centres of the White Track in the Ore Mountains have joined forces and founded The Ore Mountain Club. Totally 350 km of prepared cross country tracks have been connected; they lead from Lesná centre at the border of the Most and Chomutov regions, through Klíny, Dlouhá Louka, Bouřňák, Fojtovice and Telnice in the Ústí region. One of the largest complexes of cross country ski tracks in the Czech Republic has come into existence. Alpine ski lovers can visit the already mentioned ski centre Telnice near Ústí nad Labem. Here you can find several slopes with different grade of difficulty, six ski lifts including a lift for beginners. Thanks to artificial snow it is possible to ski here until relatively far into the spring. Also the ski centre Bouřňák close to Teplice offers ski riding on four slopes of different grade of difficulty. In Komáří Vížka you will find a chair lift plus alpine and cross country ski areas. In Moldava – Nové Město you can find a cross country ski area and Ski stadium in the centre.

We mustn´t forget about the Lusatian Mountains (Lužické hory) in the Šluknov projection. In Jiřetín pod Jedlovou there are two ski lifts with several ski slopes with up to 1200 metres length, and other possibilities for skiers can be found in Jedlová, in Horní and Dolní Podluží. You might find it practical to continue on cross country tracks that are connected and maintained as far as to Germany. The prices of the services provided, be it accommodation or the ski cards, will certainly be a pleasant surprise to you.

Detailed and up-to-date information can be found on websites of the winter resorts, and advice will be given by the staff of the information centres. If you decide to come, let us wish you a lot of sun and snow!

SKI Klub Telnice
Tel.: +420 472 776 123

Sport Centre Bouřňák
Tel.: +420 417 563 240

SKI Komáří vížka
Tel.: +420 417 836 070
Mobil: +420 606 466 939

SKI Resort Klíny
Tel.: +420 476 101 445

SKI Resort Český Jiřetín
Tel.: +420 476 117 078

St. Catherina Mountain - Hora Svaté Kateřiny

Tel.: +420 474 650 622

Lyžařský Resort Mezihoří
Tel.: +420 474 629 750

Ski Resort Měděnec-Alšovka
Tel.: +420 474 396 107
Mobil: +420 737 553 324

Ski Centre Klínovec
Tel.: +420 474 396 236

Skiing in Jiřetíně pod Jedlovou
Tel.: +420 412 372 992

Horní Podluží
Mobil: +420 604 992 754, +420 724 187 608

Ústí Region
Velká hradební 3118/48
400 02, Ústí nad Labem
Tel.: +420 475 657 111

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