The castle in the heart of Děčín

10.03.2008 | 20:06
The castle in the heart of Děčín

You can find Děčín Castle in the very centre of the city Děčín, above the junction of Elbe and Ploučnice rivers. It belongs to the biggest and historically most significant objects of its kind in Bohemia. After several reconstructions it received its contemporary Baroque-Classicist appearance.

A wooden stronghold existed in the area of today´s castle already in the 10th century and 250 years later it was rebuilt to a royal castle. Since the beginning of the 14th century the object served several nobility dynasties as a representational seat; its destiny was most significantly influenced by the lords of Vartemberk and Bünau and counts of the Thun-Hohenstein dynasty. In 1932 economic problems forced the Thun family to sell the castle to the Czechoslovak state, and the castle resort subsequently served as a Czechoslovak, German and Soviet garrison. The soldiers damaged the building severely, however, after the Soviet Army´s departure in 1991the ownerships of the castle was transferred to the city, which initiated renovation of the whole castle area.

Nowadays approximately half of the castle core is repaired. The eastern wing serves as a branch of the District Museum in Dín, the northern wing is used by the State District Archive. In the renovated spaces individual and group sightseeing, wedding ceremonies, concerts, exhibitions, literary readings, wine tastings and other cultural events take place. In the course of the whole year the castle courtyard is livened up with various festivals or markets. The Historical May Fair, organized every May, is most important of them all. The information centre, which offers a number of publications about the castle and its vicinity, is open throughout the year as well. A new castle exposition was open in the western wing in May 2005. It contains the most attractive rooms with a marvellous view of the town and the river.

The Long Ride Lane
The access road to Dín Castle is 292 metres long. On both sides of the lane there are walls that are lowered in the upper end of the stretch, which optically elongates the communication.

St. Georg’s Chapel
It was established in the end of the 18th century. The chapel space was reconstructed and currently serves for exhibition purposes.

The Castle Armoury
Besides the main sightseeing tour the exposition of the District museum with baroque paintings and Děčín´s vedutas can be visited. The Castle Armoury also contains a part of weapons and exhibits saved from devastation; it is decorated with original frescos and a wooden ceiling.

The Castle Stable
It is probably the most valuable room in the entire castle; it was commissioned by Maxmilian Thun-Hohenstein, a big horse lover. Twenty three horses stood here and a horse-shaped fountain was placed in its forefront.

The Rose Garden
It is one of the most valuable art monuments in Děčín. It is situated on the rock terrace above the city, along the Long Ride Lane, and it gained its name after a rosary that was founded here.

Sala terrena
You will find it in the upper part of the Rose Garden, walls and ceiling are decorated with original wall paintings from 1678, and its motif is a story from Greek mythology.

The elevated two-storey lookout construction, crowned by statues of two fighters, and its balustrade is decorated with five women sculptures. It covers an entrance to a hidden corridor, annexed to the northern wall of the Long Ride Lane. and connecting the castle with the Church of Exaltation of the Holy Cross.


Information centre of the Děčín Castle
Dlouhá jízda 1253
405 01 Děčín
Tel.: +420 412 518 905

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