Chomutov in the time of high hats and corsets

10.03.2008 | 22:18
Chomutov in the time of high hats and corsets

Visit the town at the foothill of the Ore Mountains right in the time of the traditional Chomutov festivities. The celebrations are always held in April in honour of the events in 1605, when Chomutov was bought out of serfdom and became a free royal town.

Sights of the town:

Town monument zone

Kamencové Lake – the only in the world

Podkrušnohorský Zoological Park - the biggest zoo in the Czech Republic

The natural park Bezru Valley

Chomutov Festivites (April 25 – May 1)

April 25 Evening performance, fairy lamp parade, fireworks – May 1 Square

April 26 – 27 Funfair market (period marketers, street artists), non-traditional sightseeing – May 1 Square

April 26 Historical vehicles meeting – North Bohemian Mines´ parking place

April 29 Sports Day (sports competitions for elementary school pupils)

April 30 Kindergarten children paint in the Town Park

May 1 Majorette group’s parades – May 1 Square

Town Information Centre
Chelčického 99
430 28 Chomutov
Tel.: +420 474 637 460

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