A Walk Around Ústí nad Labem

10.03.2008 | 23:41
A Walk Around Ústí nad Labem

The Czech Republic’s ninth largest city, Ústí nad Labem, is situated near the border to Germany, about 100 km north of Prague. It sits in the wonderful Elbe River valley that flows here through the Czech Central Mountains. The beauty of the local landscape and the city’s monuments has since the end of the 18th century attracted artists to Ústí, where they found inspiration.

The writer Johan Wolfgang Goethe, the romantic poet Karel Hynek Mácha, the composers Richard Wagner and Bedřich Smetana, all visited the town several times. The ruins of the Střekov castle from the 14th century loom above the town on the right river bank. The left bank is dominated by newly reconstructed lookout tower Větruše that offers its visitors a marvellous view of the Elbe valley, either from the tower or from the lookout restaurant. In the castle´s surroundings we can find sports grounds and both natural and mirror labyrinths. The educational path leading to the Vaňov waterfall, the biggest in the Czech Central Mountains, starts here. In the town and its neighbourhood you can spend your time in many ways. You can find permanent theatre scenes and museums, and in addition many regular festivals are held here. Ústí nad Labem houses one of the most significant and oldest zoological gardens in the Czech Republic, and besides that one thermal and two covered swimming pools can be found here. The whole Ústí region is interwoven by an immense number of foot trails and bike lanes. Not far from the town we can find the national park Bohemian Saxon Switzerland, the ski centre Telnice, the sandstone rock town in Tisá or the open-air museum in Zubrnice.

Information Centre of the Town Ústí nad Labem

Hradiště 9, 400 01 Ústí nad Labem
Tel./Fax: +420 475 220 233
E-mail: info.stredisko@mag-ul.cz

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