From the Walkway of Větruše

29.05.2008 | 20:59
From the Walkway of Větruše

From the Walkway of VětrušePerhaps the most beautiful view of the town of Ústí nad Labem and its surrounding is from the beauty-spot chateau Větruše. You can enjoy the view from the walkway of its tower, have a refreshment in the local restaurant, or recreate in a sport areal and a mirror maze.


You can also make a trip from Větruše, on an educational path in the direction to Vrkoč, another favourite view point. This route is 4,5 km long and you can enjoy a lot of beautiful views at the Elbe valley, as well as at the 12 metres high waterfall Vaňovský vodopád, which is the highest in the České středohoří hills. Rock formation Vrkoč is unique due to whinstone columned disintegration and from its peak there is a nice view into the cliff heart and at the town panorama, at the castle Střekov and Vaňov. On the route there are 9 stops with information tables, you can rest on several benches, and you will reach the end stop during 2 or 3 hour at a mild pace.

From the Walkway of Větruše
From the Walkway of Větruše

Information Centre of the town
Ústí nad Labem
Hradiště 9, 400 01 Ústí nad Labem
Tel./Fax: +420 475 220 233

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