Ústí nad Labem Open Gate to Bohemia

29.06.2008 | 13:35
Ústí nad Labem Open Gate to Bohemia

Ústí nad Labem Open Gate to Bohemia 100 years of the ZOO Ústí nad Labem
The countryside of The Chronicle of Narnia
195 years from the Napoleon battle at Chlumec 1813


Ústí nad Labem Open Gate to Bohemia

100 years of the ZOO Ústí nad Labem
the ZOO celebrates its 100th birthday all year round!

Ústí nad Labem Open Gate to Bohemia

The countryside of The Chronicle of Narnia
The scenes in the phantasy film The Chronicle of Narnia have been shot in the rock town in Tisá and the countryside of České středohoří near Ústí nad Labem.

Ústí nad Labem Open Gate to Bohemia

195 years from the Napoleon battle at Chlumec 1813
The reconstruction of the old battle will be hold on August 30, 2008

Ústí nad Labem Open Gate to Bohemia

Information Centre Ústí nad Labem
Hradiště 9, 400 01 Ústí nad Labem
Tel.: +420 475 220 233,
E-mail: info.stredisko@mag-ul.cz


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