Děčín in the Christmas Rhythm

31.10.2008 | 10:49
Děčín in the Christmas Rhythm

Děčín in the Christmas Rhythm During Advent time there will be a lot of events in many towns in this country. You can enjoy Christmas atmosphere in concerts, fairs and exhibitions also at us, in the town of Děčín.

November 29 (1.00 pm – 5.00 pm) Advent Afternoon
– Chorus, stands, mulled wine at original cups. The main guest Jitka Zelenková.
Masarykovo náměstí

November 30 (1.00 pm) Christmas Tree Festive Ligthning
– Stands, mulled wine, at 5.00 pm Christmas tree ligthning, performance of Janek Ledecký singer.
Masarykovo náměstí

December 4 (6.00 pm) Christmas Concert Děčín
baroque Quartet, soloist Jarmila Baxová
Muzeum Děčín

December 6 (2.00 pm) Devils‘ Whirl at the ZOO
– Devilish competitions, St. Nicolaus might come too, marionette theatre, Christmas tree decorating, introducing new animals at the ZOO, historic fencing (swordsmen of Exitus in Dubio)
Zoo Děčín – Pastýřská stěna

Děčín in the Christmas Rhythm

December 11 (2.00 pm) Pre-Christmas Pondering A fair with Christmas wreath, candles, decorations and ginger bread making, Christmas tree ligthning with carols singing. Voluntary entrance fee.
MC Rákosníček

December 12 (6.00 pm) Ave Maria, Christmas 2008
– A festive pre- Chistmas charitable concert with an unique dramaturgy based on piano and organ sound.
St. Cross Elevation Church

December 20 – 31 (except December 24)
Come to Wish All the Best to Animals at the Zoo Děčín and to Rajské ostrovy, children who will bring a wish or a present for our animal will get 50% entrance fee reduction.
Zoo Děčín – Pastýřská stěna

December 25 (2.30 pm) Christmas Concert – OS Březiňáček
St. Francis Church

Event at the Castle in Děčín
11/29: Petr from Drslavice, Marionette Fairy-tale
11/30: Verbascum – concert;
12/6: Fairy-tale;
12/7: SoliDeo; – concert
12/13: Snow-white;
12/14: Christmas Fair;
12/20: Fairy-tale;
12/21: Guitar Art Trio – concert.

Děčín in the Christmas Rhythm


Corporate Town of Děčín
Mírové náměstí 1175/5
405 38 Děčín IV


Děčín in the Christmas Rhythm

Information Centre Děčín
REGIOcentrum, o.p.s.
Zbrojnická 14, Děčín-Podmokly
Tel./Fax: +420 412 540 014
E-mail: decin@ceskosaskesvycarsko.info

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