Winter Invitation to the Ústí Region

31.10.2008 | 11:05
Winter Invitation to the Ústí Region

Winter Invitation to the Ústí Region Ústí Region is idela for active relaxation in all seasons, so welcome here also in winter. The Krušné Hory Mountains belong among the most popular areas with many ski centres with pistes of various levels, and also paths complex for cross-country skiing, both for beginers and advanced skiers.


Let‘s Go Skiing!
The most famous and also biggest is a ski area Klínovec in Krušné hory Mountains, only 120 km west from Prague. Pistes have all levels and everyday they are fi xed, so it is guaranted to have artifi cal snow if necessary, in 75% of the area. A snowpark with a ramp, and a ski miniarea is suitable especially for family with children. Also night skiing is possible here.

Winter Invitation to the Ústí Region

Other favourite ski centre is Telnice near the town of Ústí nad Labem. For artifi cial snowing it is possible to ski here until spring.

Winter Invitation to the Ústí Region

In the area you can fi nd 7 ski lifts (3.500 persons per hour), with pistes 4.250 m long.
Or you can visit the Centre of Downhill Skiing Bouřňák near the town of Teplice. It is located in the area of villages Mikulov and Moldava in Krušné hory Mountains, only one hour driving speedway D8 from Prague. From the peak of Bouřňák, there are 4 pistes in the direction to Mikulov, one of them to the village Hrob. In Mikulov, there is a slope for children skiing Udolíčko with 2 ski schools.
Lovers of cross-country skiing can enjoy activities of Krušnohorský klubu Club. The manage to link 350 km of modifi ed traces from Lesná ski centre to Mostecko and Chomutovsko regions to Klíny, Dlouhá Louka, Bouřňák, Fojtovice and Telnice in the Ústí region. The “Krušné Hory White Trace“ (Krušnohorská bílá stopa) thus has come into existence, one of the biggest complexes of cross. country ski routes in this country. You can ski also in the neighbouring Lužické Hory Mountains.

Winter Invitation to the Ústí Region
Winter Invitation to the Ústí Region

Advent and Christmas
If you decide to visit our region in pre-Christmas time, you can enjoy festive atmosphere with some Bethlehems.
Region museum of the town of Děčín prepared a Christmas Bethlehem exhibition “Christmas in the Museum“, under open skies you can see a Bethlehem at the Christmas tree at the St. Francis of Assisi Church. In Litvínov you can visit “Christmas in a Loft“, an exhibition of Christmas trees, which each one decorated in a diff erent way. There will be also an exhibition of illustrations by Iva Hüttnerová. There will be a live Bethlehem in the castle Červený hrádek near Jirkov, the town of Chomutov prepares “Christmas in the Museum“ too, and on the main square also a big “Advent calendar“ with presents. Other “Christmas in a Loft“ you can visit in Most.
We will fi nish our tips in Kadaň. Advent ChristmasMarket with Christmas tree lightening and plays each hour a diff erent melody. From the festive lightening of the tree until Three Magis holiday you can hear up to 300 melodies. Christmas tree will be decorated by 36 chains consisting of 11.700 lights. In front of the big Christmas tree, there will be 13 smaller trees decorated by children from kindergartens and basic schools in the town of Kadaň. A live Bethlehem in the area of Franciscan Monastery is a fi nal part of all municipal and cultural celebrations.
We hope that we off ered you a lot of interesting tips for your trips or for a winter holiday, and wish you peaceful Christmas.


Office of Ústí Region
Velká Hradební 3118/48
400 02 Ústí nad Labem
Tel.: +420 475 657 111


Winter Invitation to the Ústí Region
Winter Invitation to the Ústí Region

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