Town Hall in Telč

31.03.2008 | 22:36
Town Hall in Telč

Town Hall in TelčThe town of Telč as one of a few towns in Moravia has its own town hall already in the 15th century. The ground floor is made of stone.

It is said about this town hall thatTelč was conquered in 1423 by the Hussites´army. Because Telč was mostly catholic and town councillors were catholic as well, they put up the resistance to the Hussites. The Hussites broke into the town hall and defenestrated town councillors onto the square. We can read in the old papers that Telč town hall was destroyed in 1499 by the gunpowder hidden in the cellars. A folk legend dates the story later. It says that the town councillors wanted newly born Petr Vok to welcome and prepared a big festive banquet and fireworks as well. A lot of beer and wine was drunk. When the celebrating guests were run out of all beer and wine, a burgrave sent a servant to the cellar to bring some more. The cellar were dark, and the servant had to use a chunk. When he wanted to fill the jugs, he put the burning chunk on the barrel with gunpowder. It was the fireworks of such intensity, which hadn’t been seen in Telč yet.

During the rule of Zachariáš of Hradec the town got a totally new face, the old semi-wooden houses were replaced by nice stone houses, and the new town hall as well. And Telč is proud of its town hall up to the present day.

Town Hall in Telč

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