Seven Wonders of Bystřicko

31.03.2008 | 22:41
Seven Wonders of Bystřicko

Seven Wonders of BystřickoEven in the region of Bystřice nad Pernštejnem, in a bison country, we can find a lot of natural, architectonic or artistic sightseeings, which we could call a kind of “wonders“.

But which of Bystřicko wonders is the most wonderful? We ask the public for help. On website of the town or on you will find a list of candidates and the coupon for voting. This coupon hand over or send to the address TIC Bystřice n. P. You can even vote for an object which you like and which is not mentioned in the list. In summer we will announce the winners of “Seven Wonders of Bystřicko“ and will promote them. The answers will take part in our lottery, winners will receive nice awards and will be invited to the festive announcement. This should help to increase turistic activity in the region of Bystřicko.

Seven Wonders of Bystřicko
Seven Wonders of Bystřicko

Bystřice nad Pernštejnem
Masarykovo nám. 1
593 01 Bystřice nad Pernštejnem
Tel.: +420 566 551 532;
Fax: +420 566 520 953

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