Come to see us!

01.05.2008 | 12:49
Come to see us!

There are towns which are enlighted by neon lights, flashing from everywhere and you are not sure what to see first. And there are also towns with nothing showy in them, but where you can enjoy much more adventurous times and find fascinating miracles.

We would like to invite you to Uherské Hradiště – the town on the river Morava with the Cyril and Method spirit, full of nice and hospitable people, cymbalo music, good wine, old stories and beautiful girls. Whenever you come, you will find what you like: fascinating evenings in the Slovácko theatre, summer film festival when you can meet international film stars and without red carpet obligations, touristic water trace „Bata Channel“, Slovácko wine festival and a lot of open air markets with old handicraft products.


Come to see us!

The town of Uherské Hradiště
Masarykovo náměstí 19
686 70 Uherské Hradiště
Tel.: +420 572 525 111


Come to see us!

The Town Information Centre
Masarykovo náměstí 21
686 01 Uherské Hradiště
Tel.: +420 572 525 525-6

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