Easter in Wallachia

01.03.2010 | 00:00
Easter in Wallachia

Easter in Wallachia Saturday 3 – Monday 5, April 2010
Invitation to the Wallachian Open Air Museum in Rožnov pod Radhoštěm. The Wooden Town of the Wallachian Museum is the venue of a 3 day custom-oriented programme - Wallachian Easter. On Saturday April 3, it will stage a fair with a wide range of Easter goods, accompanied by the decorating of Easter eggs and plaiting of Easter whips.

The fair of folk producers and vendors from the Czech Republic and Slovakia will continue Easter Sunday and Monday. These days the Wooden Town will stage performances by folk ensembles, such as FS Radhošť from Rožnov and FS Radosť from Trenčín, which will present traditional Easter customs, connected with ceremonies starting from Maundy Thursday and ending on Monday with its festive beating with a plaited whip. Easter traditional baked products will be prepared here: hot cross buns, cakes and an Easter sponge lamb.

And what did Easter look like in olden times? Good Friday was a day of strict fasting and rest, the day of ceremonial cleansing under running water and the day of searching for treasure, because it was the only day in the year, when the earth opened up. On Good Friday buns were baked in the shape of a noose. On Holy Saturday intensive cleaning and tidying went on since it was the transition day between fasting and the actual Easter festivities. On Easter Sunday the food was blessed in churches and the festive lunch consisted of various delicacies – roast and smoked meat, sausages baked in bread dough. Since times immemorial Easter Monday has been connected with the “ceremonious” beating of girls and women to keep all diseases at bay. The whipping “instrument” was a birch twig, plaited willow sticks or juniper branch.
The Wallachian Open Air Museum in Rožnov pod Radhoštěm will revive the charm of old Easter, so come to see for yourselves!

Easter in Wallachia Easter in Wallachia Easter in Wallachia Easter in Wallachia


Wallachian Open Air Museum
Palackého 147
756 61 Rožnov pod Radhoštěm
tel.: +420/571 757 111

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