Have you visited Tišnov yet?

01.07.2011 | 00:00
Have you visited Tišnov yet?

Its unique position in the basin of the Svratka river valley has been attracting people to settle there since the Bronze Age, so don’t leave it too late!

You can learn about the history of the town in the Municipal Museum, which is situated in the refurbished Müller House, dating back to 1712. The museum also has a cosy café under the vaults of the ground floor. The main square is dominated by the Town Hall, the facade of which is adorned with sgraffiti depicting important events from the history of the town. The whole town is a fine example of almost all architectural styles: from the Gothic Church of St. Wenceslas, Baroque houses and late Secession villas, to the Functionalist bank.

You can admire the town from the 29-metre high brick lookout tower. The children’s educational trail that leads there is entertaining and informative for children large and small.

Take us up on our invitation and come for a visit!


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