Festive Choceň in November and December

01.11.2009 | 22:27

Festive Choceň in November and December Chocen Lantern Parade, My Brilliant Divorce, Songs from the River Seine or a Boat Full of Songs, Concert for Cecilia, Lubomír Brabec’s Recital "With a Guitar in Antarctica“, St. Nicolas Fair, Christmas Concert of Spiritual Music, Carol Singing under the Christmas Tree, Morning Jollity on New Year’s Eve.

The 4th Chocen Lantern Parade
Thu, Nov. 5, from 4.30 p.m. on Tyrš Square – competition and display of lanterns, which were crafted by children. After choosing the best creations, the lantern light parade will march to the Peliny Park, where the event will be concluded with a firework display.

My Brilliant Divorce
Wed, Nov. 11, at 7.30 p.m. at Sokolovna Hall – the Film and Theatre Agency, Prague will present a gentle comedy devoted to all who were left on their own, not by their own choice. The brilliant actress Eliška Balzerová will play all of the eighteen roles.

Songs from the River Seine or a Boat Full of Songs
Thu, Nov. 19, at 8 p.m. in Máj Cinema – guide through tourist sites: Rudolf Pellar, boat captain: Milan Dvorák, deck hand: Eva Kriz-Lifková.

Festive Choceň in November and December Concert for Cecilia
Sat, Nov. 28, at 7 p.m. at Baráčnická Rychta

Lubomír Brabec’s Recital "With a Guitar in Antarctica“
Wed, Dec. 12, at 8 p.m. in Máj Cinema

St. Nicolas Fair
Sat, Dec. 5, from 1 p.m. on Tyrš Square Early evening, St. Nicolas himself will switch on the Christmas tree lights.

Christmas Concert of Spiritual Music
Sun, Dec. 6, from 2.30 p.m. in the Church of Saint Francis of Assisi

Carol Singing under the Christmas Tree
Wed, Dec. 23, from 5 p.m. on Tyrš Square

Morning Jollity on New Year’s Eve
Thu, Dec. 31, from 9.30 p.m. on Tyrš Square

Tourist Information Center Choceň
Tyršovo náměstí 301, Choceň
Tel./Fax: +420 465 461 949
E-mail: ic@chocen-mesto.cz

Text on view from Tourist magazine


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