“Jabkancová Fair” in Česká Třebová

01.11.2009 | 22:27
“Jabkancová Fair” in Česká Třebová

On Saturday Nov. 14, the St. Catherine Association is staging the traditional Jabkancová Fair. Come and taste the local speciality – “jabkance”. These are sweet potato pancakes filled with curd cheese and sprinkled with sugar.

The name comes from the main ingredient – potatoes, which in this region were called “jabka”. An entertaining afternoon programme full of songs and sketches will take place in front of the cottage called “U kostelícka” from 1.30 p.m. and will star the burgomaster with a constable along with other “Jabkanec” performers from the ranks of the Ceská Trebová amateur actors and musicians.

“Jabkancová Fair” in Česká Třebová  “Jabkancová Fair” in Česká Třebová

Every year the St. Catherine Association organises a traditional fair at the “U kostelícka” cottage, where the popular “jabkance” are fried. This year will be no exception.


“Jabkancová Fair” in Česká TřebováRotunda sv. Kateřiny

Tourist Information Centrum
Staré náměstí 78
560 02 Česká Třebová
Tel.: +420 465 500 211

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