Through the historical centre of Pardubice with an audio-guide

01.07.2010 | 00:00
Through the historical centre of Pardubice with an audio-guide

Through the historical centre of Pardubice with an audio-guidePardubice is not just famous for its gingerbread, horses and hockey, or for being the cradle of Czech aviation. It also has an exceptionally beautiful and welcoming historical centre. Another advantage is that it is easy to get to the town by rail or road.


Through the historical centre of Pardubice with an audio-guideThe Regional Information Centre of Pardubice Region Tourism has prepared an audio-guide for those visiting the town this season, which from the end of July will enhance a tour through the urban conservation area.
This knowledgeable and fascinating guide, which is available in Czech, English, or German, will tell you all about the chain of events in the town’s history. It will lead you through Pernštýnské náměstí, past the Church of St. Bartholomew and will wind its way through narrow streets and picturesque little nooks. You will then go via Příhrádek to Pardubice Chateau. Until 16th September there is an exhibition in the chateau devoted to the hundredth anniversary of the fi rst public fl ight by the Czech aviator, who was born in Pardubice, Ing. Jan Kašpar, following the history of Czech aviation to the present day.
Finally the audio-guide will take you to the Green Gate. If you climb up this landmark you will get a wonderful view of the chateau and the urban conservation area in all its glory, as well as far across the surrounding area, including the castle of Kunětická hora.
If, however, you come to Pardubice during July, we still have something ready for you - the Vilém of Pernštejn Trail, which maps out the historical centre along ten stops with information boards in Czech and English.
And what about the welcoming hospitality? We’re sure you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the number of restaurants, cafes and wine bars which off er a pleasant place to sit in their summer gardens and relax in comfort after an “exhausting” tour of the town.

Through the historical centre of Pardubice with an audio-guide Through the historical centre of Pardubice with an audio-guide Through the historical centre of Pardubice with an audio-guide

Through the historical centre of Pardubice with an audio-guide Through the historical centre of Pardubice with an audio-guide Through the historical centre of Pardubice with an audio-guide

Through the historical centre of Pardubice with an audio-guide


Through the historical centre of Pardubice with an audio-guidePardubice Region Tourism, Regional Information Centre
nám. Republiky 1, 530 02 Pardubice
tel.: +420 466 768 390, mob.: +420 775 068 390


Text on view from Tourist magazine Through the historical centre of Pardubice with an audio-guide

počet zhlédnutí: 3922

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