East to Eden

01.03.2009 | 19:22
East to Eden

East to EdenIn East Bohemia the beautiful landscape goes hand in hand with grandiose history, human skills, enthralling music and various kinds of sports. It is a region of friendly and hospitable people, who enjoy a rich cultural and social life. Some of the most important events of this region include Smetana’s Litomyšl Music Festival, the Velká Pardubická Steeplechase and the Golden Helmet. Your palate will definitely be tempted by the excellent Pardubice gingerbread hearts and you can feast your eyes on the horses, which are inherently connected with this region.

While the part of the Elbe Basin located in East Bohemia is more or less fl at terrain with a warm climate and many opportunities for swimming, aquatic sports, walking and cycling, in contrast the Orlické Mountains and the area of Králický Sněžník attract lovers of mountain hiking and winter sports. Agro-tourism is developing throughout the whole region, mainly focusing on traditional horse breeding.
So, if you visit East Bohemia you will be able to learn about folk and rural traditions including crafts and trades, explore many castles and chateaux, as well as old military strongholds and fortifi cations, urban conservation areas and lots of other attractive sites of Renaissance, Baroque, Art Nouveau and modern inter-war architecture.

East to Eden East to Eden East to Eden


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