Region of Ústí nad Labem

Klášterec Musical Springs

With Jaroslav Svěcený, July 4-13, 2008 The town of Klášterec nad Ohří together with violin virtuoso Jaroslav Svěcený organize the 4th year of the musical...

Ústí Region – Golf Paradise

Golf fever, which has stroken the Czech Republic, of course seized also its north. There are more and more players, but also more and more fields are coming into existence, and are improving...


The town amidst romantic countryside. Those who have already visited the town of Děčín, will for sure agree with me that this place is an ideal for hiking.  

Teplice and its Surrounding

Teplice is a town with a very old spa resort tradition. Its healing springs have been known for more then two thousand years and the use of them dates back to the Middle Ages – Teplice...

About Royal Chomutov

From the gallery of the town tower The monk from the townhall yard

Valdštejn Festival in Litvínov

Meet the founder of the Litvínov drapery manufacture Jan Josef Valdštejn.  

Town festival of May in Děčín

Like usual, also this year the Děčín chateau and its surroundings will return several centuries back to enable its inhabitants and visitors experience a day along side the count...

On Horseback in Ústí Region

They say the most beautiful view at the world is from a horseback. A holiday on a family ranch, where not only can you ride a horse, but you will also be looked after like at home, or horse...

Klášterec Spa Resort is Open

The town of Klášterec nad Ohří has a new spa resort Eugenie (Evženie), which was opened this year. Large and long lasting reconstruction took several years and the spa...

Churches in Ústí nad Labem

Churches in Ústí nad Labem  

In the Landscape of the Czech Central Mountains

The Ústí region, that’s green forests and mountains, rock towns, picturesque valleys where many rivers are winding through, historical and cultural monuments and even...

A Walk Around Ústí nad Labem

The Czech Republic’s ninth largest city, Ústí nad Labem, is situated near the border to Germany, about 100 km north of Prague. It sits in the wonderful Elbe River valley...

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